
Preparing the vegetable garden for the new season

In April it's harvest time. We clean the garden of the remains left over from the winter and incorporate all the nutrients that come out of our compost. Once a year, when we do the harvest change, we return the nutrients to our soil through the compost.

We do this by separating the top part that is not yet ready and we recover the bottom part that has already turned into black soil, which is what we are going to distribute around the vegetable garden.

What is compost? 

The compost has a balanced proportion of dry and wet components. Basically we add all our organic food waste (vegetable scraps and crushed eggshells). We love it when people who stay in good spirits contribute their organic leftovers as well.

In addition, we put some of our pruning and coffee waste in it. What our compost doesn't do well with are animal products, dairy products, fish and a lot of citrus fruits. For us, composting has been revolutionary in terms of reducing our daily waste. We eat from the garden and what is left over goes into the compost, it's the perfect circle.

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